All GrainExperimentHomebrew RecipesKolschVideo Episodes

Gelatin’s effect on flavor in homebrew beer

Mike had heard on a podcast or video that gelatin can strip some of the flavor from homebrew, and he wanted to find out. Well, it just so happens he just brewed up a big old batch of Kolsch, and split it off out of the fermenter into two separate kegs. Then treated one with gelatin. As you probably know, a Kolsch is a fairly delicate beer, and we figured that if we could taste a difference, the Kolsch would be the best bet for doing so.

The recipe is linked below if you’re interested in giving it a go, but keep in mind it’s an 11G batch. The next go around, Mike may add something to help with the head retention.

What were the results? Well watch the video and see for yourself. 😊 What are your thoughts on gelatin’s effect on beer flavor? Let us know!

We wrap up the experiment pretty quickly, and to be honest, the last 12m of the video is chit chat on various topics, other videos we have in the pipe.

Shoutout to @ApartmentBrewer for his Beer Engine videos. Mike picked on up and has been relying heavily on it.

For the links about the 12 beers of Christmas, take a look here for the background
Most of the recipes are here:

If you’re in the Brews Brothers Homebrew Club here in Colorado Springs, there’s still time to sign up. Reach out and we’ll hook you up. If you’re local, and not in the club, check it out at

We also give a shout out to a couple of new subscribers that subscribed after the Learn to Homebrew day that we had. Welcome!

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Opening Music is Rock Jam Band courtesy of TheoTer on FreeSound –

The Spy Who Came in from the Kolsch

Recipe Details
Batch Size Boil Time IBU SRM Est. OG Est. FG ABV
11 gal 90 min 21.1 IBUs 3.3378102 1.049 1.006 5.6 %
Name Amount %
Pilsner (2 Row) Ger 17 lbs 89.47
Wheat Malt, Ger 2 lbs 10.53
Name Amount Time Use Form Alpha %
Styrian Golding (Savinja Golding) 1.91 oz 60 min Boil Pellet 3
Hallertau Blanc 0.51 oz 60 min Boil Pellet 10.7
Saaz 0.52 oz 15 min Boil Pellet 4.5
Name Amount Time Use Type
Lactic Acid 7.00 ml 60 min Mash Water Agent
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) 3.70 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Baking Soda 3.11 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Calcium Chloride 2.28 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 1.40 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Chalk 0.50 g 60 min Mash Water Agent
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) 3.95 g 60 min Water Agent
Baking Soda 3.32 g 60 min Water Agent
Calcium Chloride 2.43 g 60 min Water Agent
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 1.49 g 60 min Water Agent
Chalk 0.53 g 60 min Water Agent
Whirlfloc Tablet 2.20 Items 15 min Boil Fining
Name Lab Attenuation Temperature
German Ale/Kolsch (WLP029) White Labs 75% 65°F - 69°F
Step Temperature Time
Mash In 143°F 30 min
Mash Step 158°F 15 min
Recipe is from the May / June 2017 Zymurgy, Pg 47. - Water was based off the low end of the ranges in that article.

Tasted it last night during our movie night. Everyone loved it.

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