Big Dubbel in little Belgium (Extract)
This is Jesse’s recipe, based off of one found here on titled “Phil’s Belgian Dubbel hops”.
- 6.6 lbs Briess – LME Golden Light
- 2lbs Briess DME Golden Light
- 2.7oz Maple Syrup
- 1lb Belgian Candi Syrup (5L)
- 1oz Cascade Pellet Hops 7.5% AA – 60 minutes
- 1oz Cascade Pellet Hops 7.5% AA – 5 minutes
- White Labs WLP 550 Belgian Ale Yeast
- Dextrose for priming (use calculator based on volume desired, and bottle strength)
Vital Stats
- Recipe type: Extract
- Batch Size: 5G
- Original Gravity: 1.068
- Final Gravity: 1.012
- ABV: 7.5%
- Boil Time: 60 minutes
Boil one gallon of water, remove from burner and add extract, stirring until it has been incorporated. Add Candi sugar and maple syrup.
Boil for 60 minutes, adding hops at 60 minutes and 5 minutes before flame out.
Strain wort into 3 Gallons of cold water (don’t use a glass carboy for this step, they could shatter or crack).
Top up with water to make 1 gallon. When temperature reaches 75 degrees, pitch yeast.
Ferment for 10 days at 70 – 72 degrees, optionally, rack to a secondary fermentor for 30 days. If not using a secondary fermentor, let age for an additional 2 weeks in primary before bottling.
Bottle according to your sugar calculations and bottle strength.