BockGold Camp Brewing Company

A Bock and a Half

As I’ve mentioned before (probably ad nauseam), I’m trying to expand my horizons when it comes to the types of beer I try on our outings. Tonight, I tried an IPA and then thought I’d give the bock a try. Well, I was happy I did. This is a great beer. I seemed to remember that the bocks I’ve tried in the past were very heavy on the malt, but this one wasn’t. Once I got it, it was certainly one of the lighter bocks that I had ever had. Referring to a style guide, I would guess that would fit into the Maibock style (based solely on the color) even though Untappd lists it as a Dopplebock.
It started malty, a pleasant, sweet (caramel) malt flavor, not burnt at all, which lingered a bit on the palate, but then it finished very nicely. It came on with some authority but didn’t wear out it’s welcome. I didn’t notice too much of a hoppy flavor at all, just a nice clean finish.

This is another beer from Gold Camp that I think I could find myself overindulging in. This is a very drinkable beer that goes down easy but, like many of the beers offered last night, had an ABV that should be paid some attention.

ABV: 7.9%
IBU: 19

Gold Camp A Bock and a Half
A Bock and a Half

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