AmberBrass Brewing Company

A-Bag Earl Grey Amber Lager

ABV: 4.2%
IBU: 10

My wife happens to be a fan of Earl Grey Tea. If you haven’t tried Earl Grey tea, it has an orange flavor that I absolutely didn’t expect before I had tried it. With Grey in the name, I always expected it to taste plain and drab, but of course I was wrong.

Recently, I was thinking about brewing a beer with Earl Grey tea, just to see how much of the orange flavor comes along for the ride. So I was glad to see this one on the menu at Brass Brewing company.

Not much of the orange flavor came across from the tea, although it did have a bit of a spice flavor to it, as in spices were used not spicy hot. It was really quite nice. Using an Amber as a base beer gave it a nice light maltiness that I thought really brought the beer together. It’s light enough that it was really easy to drink.

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