Whistle Pig Brewing Company
1840 Dominion Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whistlepigbrewing/
Mike and I made a New Years Resolution to visit the breweries we haven’t yet been to early in 2019. Whistle Pig was the first. Neither of us had every been to there and, at least I, had never tried any of their beers. It was a visit with some ups and downs.
The brewery is fairly conveniently located near Dublin and Academy. It has plenty of room inside so there was ample seating. The staff were very friendly and, something unusual for breweries these days, they had their own kitchen. Neither of us ate, but some of the food offerings sounded pretty good, at least. I’ll leave the reviews of the beers to the post dedicated to that, but I, for one, left with an overall impression of “meh” as far as they are concerned.