Lost Friend April Visit
Considering they just opened on April 7th, we really got to this one in a hurry, and I’m glad we did!
When I arrived, the parking lot was pretty full, and I considered calling Jesse to see if maybe we wanted to go somewhere else. I went inside anyway, and Jesse had already arrived. Luckily, even though the place was hopping, there were a bunch of seats along a bar.
The brewing area, and I mean where the beer is made, is right behind the bar, in a big open space, with the seats I mentioned right along side of it. It was pretty cool to sit there and gaze upon all the shiny equipment and see a fermenter just bubbling away happily. (Pictured above)
I’ve recently stopped getting the flights, and instead have gone to half pours, I feel that I can get to know the individual beers better, even though I don’t get to sample as many.
My Overall impression? Lost Friend knows what they’re doing, because the beer is pretty great!

Weltschmerz Vienna Lager – 5% ABV, 18 IBU – I happen to be quite a fan of Vienna Lagers. A nice refreshing beer, soft and malty, with a slightly dry finish, these are just easy drinking. Weltschmerz didn’t disappoint me at all, as a matter of fact, Lost Friend’s take on it is right up there with my favorite examples. It had a really nice Mexican Lager flavor to it, and was just perfect. I highly suggest it. Heck, I was thinking about swinging by for a crowler of it on the way home sometime this weekend.

Soft Brexit English Mild Ale – 5.3 ABV 30 IBU – This was another nice and refreshing beer. Super light, a little malty. The description on Untappd listed nutty smells and molasses and brown sugar flavors, and I have to say that I didn’t really get that, but still really enjoyed the beer. I’m going to make sure to try it again the next time I’m in. The Mild has become a style that I’m pretty interested in, malty and sessionable, it’s right up my alley.

Unbeetable Sour Beet Beer – 5% ABV 18 IBU – Until Cogstone made one, I have to say, I had never heard of a beet beer. To be honest, it sounds like something out of a kids bad dream. In reality though, all of the examples I’ve had are really great. I was expecting something red or dark, and was surprised when I saw the nice hazy golden beverage that I was served. The carbonation was higher on this one than the other beers, and it really worked well. It was fairly tart and light in body.
Mike is right on the money with his run-down of the establishment. It was a very welcoming, relaxed atmosphere. There are several tables to sit, a few cozy nooks with comfortable chairs and, of course, the bar. It seemed to be dog friendly (I believe I saw a photo of a carabiners attached to the tables to secure leads) with some well-behaved dogs hanging out. Even for a Thursday evening, the place was pretty busy. I chalked it up to it still be a “new place”, but after I tried their beer, I’m not too sure the crowd are going to ease up.
On to the beers:
Chimera Sour Wheat Ale – 4.6% ABV 19 IBU – As of late, I have been trying sour beers when given the opportunity, so when I saw that Lost Friend had not just one, but two, sours on the menu, I figured that I had to give at least one of them a try. This was a pretty good beer. Definitely sour, but not overly so; maybe tart would be a better description. My only “complaint” (for lack of a better word) is that there isn’t much of a flavor to this beer other than sour. I don;t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, just something to note. This would be a good beer for sipping on a warm day, because of that, actually. When I was checking this in on Untapped, however, I noticed that it is classified as a “Berliner Weisse” in that app. The Berliner Weisse beers that I have seen in the past had a flavored syrup added to them and I think something like that would be a game changer with this beer. I don’t know if it’s not offered at the brewery or just not offered when I ordered it.

Fearthainn Wee Heavy – 6.9% ABV 24 IBU – This was pretty much exactly what I was expecting — A malty, somewhat sweet, heavy beer. It was quite tasty and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was taken by surprise at how boozy it was and how that flavor lingered. I got a 1/2 pour of this one and was glad I did, I think eight ounces of this was the perfect amount for me. Much more and I would have been a bit burned out on it.

Homeward Bound Hazy IPA – 6.5% ABV 40 IBU – After having some of the other beers, I though I’d get a half-pour of the Hazy IPA. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It had a citrusy/orange start and a very smooth finish without much bitterness. The only thing that I found odd was that once the citrus flavor dies a bit, I was left with a tinny or metallic flavor that lingered a bit too long. I’m not confident that it’s not a sensitivity that I have to certain ingredients because I have noticed it in other beers at other breweries.
Beers we’ve reviewed here:
- Chimera Sour Wheat Ale – April 2019 Visit
- Experimental Red IPA – December 2019 Visit
- Fearthainn Wee Heavy – April 2019 Visit – December 2019 Visit
- Homeward Bound Hazy IPA – April 2019 Visit
- Soft Brexit English Mild – April 2019 Visit
- The Bitter One (IPA) – December 2019 Visit
- The Swayze (Sour) – December 2019 Visit
- Unbeetable Sour Beet Beer – April 2019 Visit
- Varnas Baltic Porter – December 2019 Visit
- Weltschmerz Vienna Lager – April 2019 Visit