Episode 12: Pre-Prohibition Porter and East Coast Beer Tasting
Category 27A: Historical Beer: Pre-Prohibition Porter
For this tasting, we have Yuengling Dark Brewed Porter for our example of the style. Unfortunately we couldn’t find any other examples, yet we persist. We also had a East Coast Beer Sampler. Nugget Nectar, an “Imperial Amber” from Troegs Independent Brewing, and “The Rule of Three” from Duclaw Brewing Company.
Thanks to Jesse’s Niece for bringing us the Pre-Prohibition porter and the other wonderful beers from the East coast.
If you’re interested, here’s an article about a recreation of George Washington’s Porter
The people over on Homebrew Talk tried to translate it and adapt it to modern measurments in this thread.
Also, here’s a recipe for Poor Richard’s Ale, which we mentioned a couple of times in the episode.
From the 2015 BJCP Pre-Prohibition porter guidelines:
Overall Impression: An American adaptation of English Porter using American ingredients, including adjuncts.
Aroma: Base grainy malt aroma with low levels of dark malt (slight burnt or chocolate notes). Low hop aroma. Low to moderate low levels of DMS acceptable. May show low levels of caramel and biscuit aroma. No to very low esters. Light adjunct (licorice, molasses) aroma acceptable. Diacetyl low to none. Clean lager profile acceptable.
Appearance: Medium to dark brown, though some examples can be nearly black in color, with ruby or mahogany highlights. Relatively clear. Light to medium tan head which will persist in the glass. Flavor: Grainy base malt flavor, with low levels of chocolate or burnt black malt notes, along with low levels of caramel, biscuit, licorice, and toast notes. Corn/DMS flavor acceptable at low to moderate levels. American hop bitterness low to moderate and American hop flavor low to none. Balance is typically even between malt and hops, with a moderate dry finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium light to medium body, moderate carbonation, low to moderate creaminess. May have a slight astringency from the dark malts. Comments
Next week, we’re going to have a TommyKnocker sampler.