Oktoberfest / MarzenStyleVideo Episodes

Colorado Springs Oktoberfest Showdown – 2024

It’s that time of year, the leaves are turning, weather is getting cooler, and Oktoberfest style beers are hitting your local brewery. By the time this video is released, it’s a little late in the season, but there’s still time!

Last year, Jesse organized an Oktoberfest showdown so that we, and some friends from our local homebrew club, could try Oktoberfest beers from our Colorado Springs area breweries, and pick out our favorite. It was such a success that this year he organized it again!

First off, a huge thank you to Matt and Trinity Forge Road Brewery for letting us use their upstairs area for our event. It’s free to use for everyone, you just have to book it in advance. More information at https://www.trinitybrew.com/forgeroad

This year, we had 16 Beers local beers, with some attendees bringing 2 or even 3 different breweries’ offerings. What a blast! We highly suggest that you give this a try in your area. Right now we’re trying to think of some theme that we could use as an excuse to do it again!

Unfortunately, there were several beers in the springs that we didn’t get our greedy little hands on. Those were (to the best of our knowledge):

  • Fossil Brewing
  • Manitou Brewing
  • JAKs
  • Black Forest
  • Rock Bottom

I know, it’s a bummer that we missed even one. Cheer up though, because we did have beers from:

  • Brass Brewing
  • Cerberus Brewing
  • Goat Patch Brewing Company
  • Lost Friend Brewing Company
  • Mash Mechanix Brewing Company
  • Nano 108 Brewing Company
  • OCC Brewing
  • Paradox Beer Company
  • Peaks N Pines Brewing Company
  • Pike’s Peak Brewing Company
  • Red Leg Brewing Company
  • Southpark Brewing
  • Trinity Brewing
  • Urban Animal Beer Company
  • Westfax Brewing Company

I’ll let you watch the video to figure out who took 1st place. The votes this year were spread out much more than last year, it was hard to pick a favorite with so many great beers!

Support the show, get your Colorado Brew Talk Gear at:
or if you found something useful, why don’t you just buy us a beer? The link says coffee, but you know us.

If you have any ideas for show content, or other ideas, feel free to leave a comment somewhere.

Our Facebook Page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/Cobrewtalk

Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, and any other feedback in the comments below.

Opening Music is Rock Jam Band courtesy of TheoTer on FreeSound – https://freesound.org/people/TheoTer/sounds/569778/

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