ESBHomebrew RecipesHomebrewingVideo Episodes

ESB Homebrew Recipe and Review

This episode Steve is joining us, and he brought his award winning Extra Special Bitter (ESB). It was loosely based on Ska Brewing’s ESB, he was lucky enough to get the recipe from Dave at SKA brewing. SKA was kind enough to give Steve their grains and hops, but without a whole lot of guidance on percentages and hop schedule, but Steve just hammered away at it until he came up with this award winning recipe.

We’ve been trying to get Steve on the show for quite awhile now, but until now the stars didn’t align. Striking while the iron was hot, we held him prisoner for 3 episodes, this one, a review of the Brewzilla, and his excellent porter recipe. Look for the other two to be released soon.

If you’re interested in brewing this recipe, and if you’re a fan of ESBs then you probably should be interested in it, you can find the recipe here:

Steve says the beer is really in it’s prime at about 3 months old.

We’ve known Steve for many years now, and he’s taken part in a fair number of club projects and brew sessions, as well as heading up our club’s ESB Masterminds group. He’s quite the brewer, and he and Mike studied for the BJCP exams together.

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