2019 Advent Calendar – Beers 19 – 24
Here we are. The final week of beers to enjoy. We all know what that means – I’ll soon have to figure out on my own what my daily drink will be since it won’t be determined for me. Oh, and I guess that Christmas will be here soon or something.
I felt that the calendar finished strong. There were some really great beers in this final batch. But, overall, it was more of the same really; helles, pilsners and bocks. But it seemed to me that in this set of beers, even though they were the same styles we’ve been enjoying the past month, there was some variation to the flavors and body.
I have to be honest, I’m a little burnt out on the German styles of beer after having had one a day for the past few weeks, and I’m not too sad to not feel compelled to drink yet another German-style beer tomorrow. It may be a while before I order a hefe somewhere or start exploring my new-found interest in Helles beers. But, I don’t regret that my lovely wife gifted this to me and I look forward to receiving this as a birthday gift next years as well.
{Mike} – I have to echo Jesse’s sentiments. I was kind of sad to see the Advent box empty, but I’m kind of glad that I don’t have another to drink every night. I really did enjoy all of the beers, but am used to a little more variety, and that’s partly my fault. I fell behind, and ended up drinking nothing but the Advent Calendar beers much of the time. If I’m lucky enough to get next year’s box, I may start in a little early, or just not worry too much about falling behind. Maybe a combination of both?
Note: This is the final article in our reviews of the 2019 Brewer’s Advent Calender. The main page has links to all of the individual posts.

Beer: Austrian Amber Lager
Brewery: Privatbrauerei Loncium
Style: Vienna Lager
Grainy aroma. Medium light body. Some sweet malt at the start. Finishes with some hops. Clear amber color. This beer got sweeter as it warmed.
{Mike} – As Vienna Lager is a favorite style of mine, it was really eye opening to have an example of it directly from Germany. The flavors are more subdued that most that I’ve had, and the bitterness that came in at the finish was nice and soft.

Beer: Turbo Prop
Brewery: Propeller Bier
Style: Imperial Pilsner
This is delicious. I didn’t realize there was such a thing as an imperial pilsner. I has a thick head and a rich, almost velvety mouthfeel (for a pils). Starts sweet with a crisp finish. Nicely balanced. Easily one of my top five beers in this calendar.
{Mike} – I picked up a distinctly orange flavor in this one, with some nice malt flavor. It was really pretty great.

Beer: Bären Weisse
Brewery: Privatbrauerei H. Egerer
Style: Hefeweizen
Definitely a hefeweizen. Getting a pronounced clove aroma and flavor from this one. Not a bad beer. Not one of my favorites, but not too bad.
{Mike} – There as something really unique with the flavor in this Hefeweizen. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I think it may have just been the blending of the clove and banana flavor. It was quite tasty, and a bit different from the Hefeweizens that I’m accustomed to.

Beer: Original Pils
Brewery: Schloßbrauerei Rheder
Style: German Pilsner
Hoppy nose. Medium body. Slightly bitter finish. The malt is present enough just to compete a little with the hops. Really good.

Beer: Wittmann Urhell
Brewery: Brauerei C. Wittmann
Style: Helles
Got some hops in the aroma but the flavor is sweet. Finishes slightly bitter.
{Mike} – I found the bitterness in this one to be fairly brisk. Very nice.

Beer: Kartäuser Doppelbock Dunkel
Brewery: Memminger Brauerei
Style: Doppelbock
What a way to finish off this journey. I think this was one of the best of the calendar. Malty and sweet. Very smooth. Medium bodied.
{Mike} – Agreed! This was a great beer! Malty, medium bodied, and a slight hint of a boozy flavor.